Traffic Calming
DLR Info
Proposed Traffic Ballot
Dateline: November 2024A plan to ballot residents on proposed traffic-calming between Upper and Lower Kilmacud Road was deferred until after the election by Dundrum Area Committee councillors.The councillors decided to defer the issue at their October meeting, and it was not included in their November local area meeting.Watch the meeting: At (from 33 mins). The RRA and our delegation meeting with DLRCOCO was mentioned several times.Full text of meeting can be viewed here:
A plan to ballot residents on proposed traffic-calming between Upper and Lower Kilmacud Road was deferred until after the election by Dundrum Area Committee councillors.
The councillors decided to defer the issue at their October meeting, and it was not included in their November local area meeting.
Watch the meeting: At (from 33 mins). The RRA and our delegation meeting with DLRCOCO was mentioned several times.
Full text of meeting can be viewed here:
Road Modals Update
Proposed new Road Modals
Cllr. Barry Saul recently circulated a leaflet with an update on proposed traffic calming between the Upper Kilmacud Road and Lower Kilmacud Road.
These proposals were discussed at the October Dundrum Area Committee and a decision was made to defer discussion until the November meeting.
DLRCOCO management intend to put these proposals out for a ballot of local residents. To date we have received no information on the outcome of the November meeting.
Cllr. Maeve O'Connell informed RRA committee no proposal agreed yet on proposed road modals. Cllr. O'Connell formally requested a full local consultation with residents on options with a view to securing agreement on a scheme acceptable.
Potential location of modals - to be considered

Area Inspection
Dateline: October 2024
On Thursday October 17th, RRA executive committee members met with John O'Connor, DLR Executive Road Engineer and John Plunkett for a walk around inspection in Redesdale. John O'Connor noted the areas needing attention, such as, road white line markings, actual road repairs, damaged kerbing, pavements in need of dish-out and broken road signs, this was fixed very quickly. He also took note of a seriously overgrown hedge obstructing safe passage on a pavement. Traffic Section were also asked for a timeline on the road lining.
We also contacted the Cleansing Section and they indicated they would send a crew to carry out weeding work. We also asked Parks Section to remove the two tree stumps at 18 and 21 Rathmore Avenue.
As a result of the DLR inspection the RRA now have a direct contact in John O'Connor with no further need for deputations to his department.