DLR Updates
DLR Info
Area Repairs
Dateline: December 2024
in advance of the path and road repairs in our estate DLR have placed a welfare unit for the men’s canteen on St. Kevin's Park, with a view to getting a start on the repairs, most likely in the New Year.
Dateline: July 2024
Redesdale Residents Association January 2024 deputation meeting (virtual) with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Five members of the committee met with senior representatives from the Traffic Management and Roads Maintenance departments to discuss speeding, road safety and state of the paths / roads in the estate.
The Traffic Management department are to make recommendations before a consultation period with residents and before any actions are taken. The Roads Maintenance department are to visit the estate to identify and agree works to be done to address issues (white line remarking, broken pathways, road subsidence).